UBO-Ultimate Beneficial
Owner Declaration

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Addressed to Civil Law Notary's Office Yarzagaray, domiciled in Aruba, hereinafter referred as: "Civil Law Notary".

The undersigned

Place of domicile

hereinafter referred to as: "the Organization",

declares as follows:

In this Declaration the following terms have the following meanings:

Interest: capital interest (e.g. shares, certificates), voting rights in the shareholders' meeting, effective control, or - if the Organization is a foundation or a trust - an interest as a beneficiary of its capital or special control over that capital.

Ultimate Beneficial Owner: each natural person that directly or indirectly holds an Interest in (the capital of) the Organization.

A: Does the Organization have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) with an Interest of 25% or more?
B: Information about all Ultimate Beneficial Owners with an Interest of 25% or more.
Full Name
Full address
Date of birth
% direct Interest
% direct Interest
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Ultimate Beneficial Owners with an Interest of less than 25%.

In this Declaration the following terms have the following meanings

Acting Director(s)/Officer(s): each natural person that will represent the Organization vis-à-vis the Civil Law Notary:

I (directly) as Director/Officer of the Organization, or

II (indirectly) as Director/Officer of a legal entity that - whether or not through one or more intermediate legal entities - acts as Director/Officer of the Organization.

C: Information about all Acting Directors/Officers
Full Name
Full address
Date of birth
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D: The Organization will promptly notify the Civil Law Notary in case of: (I) a change in the Ultimate Beneficial Owners with an Interest of less than 25%; (II) issue of new shares, and (III) other changes in aforementioned information.

E: Signature Organization

To be signed by its Acting Director(s)/Officer(s) representing it-vis-a-vis the Civil Law Notary
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