Our Service
Starting a business in Aruba? Our corporate department staff is happy to assist you with all (legal) aspects that have to do with running a business.
Is it better to establish a sole proprietor or a limited liability company (N.V.)? What about establishing a V.B.A., a unique Aruban concept of an enterprise yet with limited liability.
From amendments in your company’s statutes to establishing all kinds of enterprises in Aruba; our team of lawyers with business experience (junior) notaries, forms the ideal mix to think along with you and helps you focus on what you do best: business.
Want to set up a foundation or association for your passion? Notary Office Yarzagaray will gladly assist you to make your passion your work.
FYI: new guidelines and procedure of getting a license for your business in Aruba Business Establishment License
At our Notary Yarzagaray & Partners, we pride ourselves on providing streamlined processes and personalized service to each and every one of our clients. We understand that your time is valuable and your legal needs are unique, which is why we have developed a flexible approach that is tailored to your individual circumstances.
We perform the process professionally and with attention to detail.
UBOs are the individuals who ultimately own or control an organization, company, foundation or association (called a legal entity).
Consider, for example, people who own more than 25% of the shares in a company or people who have more than 25% direct or indirect ownership interest in a partnership or corporation.
Ultimate beneficiaries include, for example:
More ways we can help.
Notary Yarzagaray & Partners is knowledgeable about Aruban and international law.
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At our notary office we are happy to assist you with important events, both business and private, in your life Notariaat Yarzagaray is rooted in the Aruban society and posses because of the uniqueness of our island the knowledge of both Aruban and international regulations.